Broken Chains

Broken Chains

Tuesday 31 August 2010

Christian Obama?

I was watching Brian Williams (CNBC) interview President Obama, in which Brian highlighted that upwards of a fifth of respondents of polls believe that President Obama is neither American or a Christian. The President humorously mentioned that he "can't spend all his time with his birth certificate plastered on his forehead"! Classic statement.  Does it really matter what religion he is? Is it not more important that President Obama is measured by the works he does, than by his religion?

I believe that sadly, Americans are obsessed with race and religious issues more than they should be. There is a lot of hate in America despite their First Amendment giving people the freedom to worship freely; and despite the famous Thomas Jefferson phrase "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed". Indeed there is a lot of hate in the world.

Robert Simms wrote in his article for Broowaha that "We know that Obama and Limbaugh reportedly have the same view concerning the issue of same-sex "marriage" versus civil unions. Both Obama and Limbaugh are on record as having said they support civil unions between same-sex couples; that view doesn't conform to traditional Christianity. Like far too many people, Obama and Limbaugh have modified Christianity to fit their already pre-conceived opinions rather than allow themselves to be changed by the teachings of Christ". While I can never claim to know the level of Obama's faith,or indeed if he does have any, I do believe that Robert Simms does have a point in terms of how Obama demonstrates his faith. The Bible says in Leviticus 18:22 "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination".

The Bible also says in Matthew 7:7 "Judge not, that you be not judged", so I am not judging President Obama or anybody else, because I have to make sure I consider the 'speck in my eye', before looking at the speck in his eye. Being a President is a tough job, and he is a President to all Americans, no matter their race, religion, or sexual preference.

1 comment:

A Simple Thing said...

You know?! Eurgh, just when I thought all the ruckus about the mosque near Ground Zero was bad enough, some priest is planning to burn hundreds of Qu'rans this weekend, on the 9th anniversary of September 11th. It's such a shame that they allow themselves to be split based on such trivialities, all the while totally debasing the fundamentals values of the very religion(s) they claim to represent!
Never mind blessing them, God help America :(