Broken Chains

Broken Chains

Tuesday 22 July 2008

Beautiful Britney

Did any one see pictures of Britney Spears at the charity bash hosted by Jim Carrey? She looked amazing. She looked very healthy and not a strand of hair was out of place.

According to quotes, her recovery is down to her father Jamie, who cut her ties with her troublesome pals and also cut her boozing and binges. Her 'manager' has been served with a restraining order, and she is only allowed supervised visits with her British boyfriend Adnan Ghalib.

I am truly happy for Britney because i had thought we would have seen another tragic celebrity case here.

The charity bash was held a few days after her amicable custody battle with ex-husband Kevin Federline, which gives her more access to her two sons Sean Preston, and Jayden James.

I wish her all the best!

Photo from

Which Blog name?

The amount of time it took me to find a name for my blog is ridiculous! I've changed it and changed it again for three days now, it's unbelievable! I wanted a name that would reflect me but I didn't want one too childish, or over the top! I went from Afro-natural, because I wanted to talk about afro hair, to Afro-Tresses, for the same reason. I considered Afro-Kinky, but decided against it because it's not original enough, then decided to call it Afro-Sheen! OMG how cheesy (no offence intended). Not only is it cheesy, but it is also a name of an afro hair care product, so for sure, I had to drop that name quick sharp (that and my younger brother laughed at my choice of name :( ) In fact he suggested Afro-Dyte, which I converted to Afro-Dytee (extra e) simply because it rhymes with me; hence 'Just Me, Afro-Dytee' was born! It also allows me to express my feelings about EVERYTHING not just afro hair!

I'm sure this has been an interesting read for you (or maybe not, lol), but I thought I'd share!

Monday 21 July 2008

Dylan Mills AKA Dizzee Rascal

Is it me or Dizzee Rascal just blowing up? I was a secret fan of Dizzee when he first burst in the scene with his grimy garage tunes. I was a fan of I Luv U, and Fix up, look sharp had a particularly catchy tune that I couldn't get out of my head. Over the years Dizzee has consistently dropped catchy tunes that get the crowd moving. My secret slowly started to come out when I heard Dream, the inspirational number, talking about his dreams of fame and "if you don't have a dream, how you gonna have a dream come true". Wise words I think for our generation of children turning to crime. If they have dreams, and work hard, surely they will achieve their goals. It's not going to be easy and they may not achieve the original goals they set out to achieve, but they will surely get something positive out of working hard for themselves and not expecting things to be dropped on their plate. I loved his video and the tune 'Flex', and do I even need to tell you about 'Dance Wiv Me'? That tune is wicked and very captivating. It's funky and fresh, and very UK! Oh and it makes u wanna dance! UK artists do not need to conform to the way US artists rap or sing, because variety is the spice of life! Our artists should be proud of their music and keep striving to get better at their game, just as Dizzee Rascal does I'm sure.

Before I digress too much, let me just say that in my opinion, Dizzee is a poet and maybe because UK music does not have as much promotion as US music, a lot of us don't take time to really listen to the words. Take the time to listen to Dance Wiv Me, Dizzee's latest single. featuring Calvin Harris and Chrome. The song mixes the usual Grime MC style of Dizzee Rascal with dance from Calvin Harris and RnB from Chrome. You can also watch the video on YouTube.

Now people I haven't quite got the hang of adding a YouTube video, but you can view his video by visiting this link - Happy viewing!

Saturday 19 July 2008

Afro kinky Guinea Pig!

I am transitioning people! For eight years I have been 'lyeing' to my hair by putting chemicals to it and straightening it. I used to have long, thick natural hair, and I also for a while had long, thick, relaxed, straight hair. But years of not looking after my hair and giving it the necessary treatments left me with dry, brittle hair!

For months I have contemplated growing my relaxed hair out, and setting my curls free. But I procrastinated, and kept relaxing my hair. Not so much because I wanted to conform, but because it was just so much easier to maintain, or so I thought. I have been browsing the Internet lately and I've seen that natural black hair needs moisture - opposite of what I was doing. I used to oil my scalp with petroleum based products and blow dry my hair on the dryer's hottest setting. I have seen that moisturising hair with good natural products, will nourish the hair and scalp, thus helping it grow to it's maximum capacity. I say i have seen, because I am yet to try out moisturising products. My hair is braided at the moment and because I am transitioning I guess I may keep it in braids for a while, that is until I find the best way to show off my hair without looking unkept. Can you imagine, bushy roots and straight tips? I don't think so!

Seriously though, I am willing to try any hair products, from home made concoctions, to rich, luxurious hair products; you know, the ones that make you go ooooo! lol If you need me to review any of your products, just send me an email to If you've got any advice on how I can take care of my natural hair, and make myself look gorgeous, send me an email. If you are a hairdresser in the UK (I live in North West London) who specializes in natural tresses, go on, send me an email, and maybe we can arrange it so you can 'fix up' my hair and make me look and feel good. Peace!

To sew or not to sew.....

Hey people! I am so new to this blog thing and I hope I don't bore you but here goes...

I was meant to start a dressmaking course today and I was looking forward to it. I woke up in a very good mood today by about 8.30 am and thought to myself  "in about an hour and a half, I'll be learning something about dressmaking and I'll be one step closer to creating my beautiful designs a la Gucci, Fendi et Prada". Okay maybe not to the extent of G, F et P, but you catch my drift. Did I get to go and learn how to use my new basic sewing machine which has been sitting in my garage for two months? NO! My darling husband decides to give me some much needed advice that I didn't want to hear at that time. He told me to wait till I have more spare time on my hands, because with three children aged seven, three and two, and a full time job, I may not get time to finish the classes, or even practice what I've been taught. I was FUMING!!! I thought 'why wait till an hour before the class to drop this on me?' Anyway I didn't go in the end. I was upset, but I realised that my life right now is a roller coaster and I need some decent spare time before I can begin to enjoy my sewing and dressmaking! 

If you are going through the same 'struggles' as I am, leave me your comments, so I know I am not the only one juggling a family and work, and who doesn't have time to do anything else!