Broken Chains

Broken Chains

Thursday 9 September 2010

Pastor Barmy Jones

I wonder why the media is making such a big deal about the insane pastor that is planning to burn copies of the Koran in two days time! No doubt their aim is to ignite the people of America’s fury and give extra negative vivacity to their hatred of all things and people non-American, in this case Muslims. Why else would they constantly draw attention to the nonentity that is Pastor Terry Jones? Forgive my impudence, but as far as I am concerned, burning the Koran is not a very Christian thing to do, then again slavery is not, but that did not stop ‘them’ from forcefully taking people from their lands to involuntarily strengthen the Western world through slave labour! But that's a story for another occasion.

Pastor Terry Jones, of the Dove World Outreach Center, plans to put copies of the Koran in a bonfire to mark this week's anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. The top US commander in Afghanistan, General David Petraeus, the White House and Nato have expressed concern over the plan. BBC news website states that White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said that "any type of activity that puts [American] troops in harm's way would be a concern to [the Obama] administration".

The Dove World Outreach Center may only represent a handful of people, but its incendiary plans haven't emerged out of nowhere. This is not the first time the pastor, 58, has attracted attention for anti-Islam behaviour. Jones was expelled from a previous church in Germany for Islamophobic behaviour and creating a 'climate of control and fear'. It is obvious that there is a trend of Pastor Jones inciting hatred. According to Andrew Schafer, an official responsible for monitoring churches in the region of Cologne, Terry Jones appears to have a delusional personality. My surprise is that this delusional psycho has successfully deceived and garnered a congregation that will assist him with his 'INTERNATIONAL Burn a Koran day'. Let's hope this lunacy stays within the shores of America and does not go international! 

I really would like to know what this 'pastor' is trying to achieve. Even if his intention is to convert Muslims to Christ [allow me to speculate please], surely this is not the way to do it. This will definitely increase extremists fury, and cause more harm than good!

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