Broken Chains

Broken Chains

Wednesday 13 August 2008

I need a new job....FOR REAL!

I am fed up of my job. I work as an Accounts Assistant in a pharmaceutical company and at first I loved it. I was happy to have a full time job (why the heck I don't know. I thought I was missing out on something by not having a job - I had and still have a man who took good care of us). I was happy in my job until a new Management Accountant was employed. He was a young intelligent dude, and we got on like a house on fire. That was until the authority given to him got to his head!

He made certain errors on the accounting system and tried to blame both myself and my other colleague. He would tell our Finance Director that he had told me to do certain things, which I had left undone, but the problem with that is that he never gave me any instructions - he may have forgotten to but instead of admitting his mistake and moving on he decided to blame me for it. Once he sent me a rather rude email asking me why I had posted some transactions into a particular account even after he had told me not to. The idiot cc'd the Finance Director and my other colleague. I was like 'hold up dude, say what?' I could not believe that firstly he could tell me this via email - the dude sits RIGHT NEXT TO ME - and secondly why he had to cc. the Finance Director. I was incensed! I replied him via email and cc'd the relevant parties and told him at no point had he ever given me those instructions, but his point had been taken for future postings.
Soon after that happened, I came into work late for the second time in four months, and when I mean late I mean I was late by four minutes. The Managing Director told my FD to reprimand me for coming in late and made a big hoohah over nothing in my opinion. That happened about three months ago, and since then it seems like 'they' (all of the above) are constantly finding faults with my work! They try and find faults with everything - I went on an approved holiday two weeks ago and I came back to hear that the MD had a word with the FD and wanted to know why I had gone on holiday without informing members of my team. WHAT ON EARTH IS THAT ALL ABOUT...??! The FD had signed my holiday form two months prior to the date and I had informed several people in the company that I was taking my beautiful kids to Disneyland Paris.
When I know I'm right, I always try to get the last word. A lot of the time with those people at work I get my point across and prove that I was right in the first place, but why should I have to do that?
I have come to the realisation (yes I know, silly me, finally) that I need to put my family first. Don't get me wrong, I always do that, but my putting up with a lot of rubbish from some people for a bit of change, and spending very little time with my young children has got to change! I am searching for a new part time job now because my children are growing up rapidly it seems, and I need to spend quality time with them. A lot of things in my life are suffering and it's not worth it!

Oh yeah, the dude hates the 'establishment' now. Why? He asked for a pay rise but was denied. He does a lot of work but FD takes all the credit. Who's side is he on now? LOL

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